
Change your world one day at a time.

Daily encouragement provided by Marty Pressey.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:30-31

Thought of the Day

A One Year Devotional

A yearlong devotional covering a wide variety of Scriptures and topics. It is specifically designed to make you think about your life and how you can improve it. It is the my hope that your life will be better at the end of the year for having read this devotional.

Be Enlightened

Today’s Blog

Have you ever been amazed, totally astounded by something you couldn’t believe you had just seen it with your own eyes? Do you remember that feeling of amazement? How did you react? Were you overfilled with joy? Were you scared to death? Were you frozen in place?

Though it is not common, we can be so amazed that we are frozen, scared, and joyous all at the same time. On those rare occasions, we see something we will never forget. Those are often life-changing events. Things are just not quite the same after seeing something that amazing.


Current Post

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Author Event

Nov 25, 2023

I was blessed to be invited to a local author event to promote my devotional and discuss possible publishers for my next book. A beautiful day and some good author’s and people at the event. Thanks to the Hannibal Author’s Guild and Calftown Coffeehouse for hosting.

Hometown Hero Honor

Aug 23, 2023

I was surprised with a wonderful honor. What a blessing! Thanks goes out to a daughter who nominated me, the television station that selected me, and the sponsors who sponsor the award.

Trust God in all you do.

What Our Customers are Saying

Pastor K. Frink

Can pondering a “Thought of the Day” truly make a difference?  I say yes.  This is a wonderful devotional to motivate and challenge anyone to grow in their spiritual walk.  Regardless of where you are in your stage of life or your walk with God, these daily devotions are easy to read and very applicable to life.  There is the true potential of positive impact in your life by making the commitment to this daily reading and spending time with God.

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