Securely Saved

Do you know what you need to do to be saved? Are you sure you know? Have you been fooled by false teachings? Have you been led into a false sense of security? Do you want to be secure in your Savior?

We see many different names on the signs in front of churches, often called denominations. We hear about the beliefs of the different churches. We often hear of disagreements among them. Sometimes those disagreements become very public.

Unfortunately, our human brokenness causes separations and different interpretations of the Bible. Yet, if we agree on nothing else, we are to all agree that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. When we preach and teach Him as our Lord and Savior, we preach and teach truth.

There are many traditions and practices regarding being saved, being brought into the family of God. Some traditions go back hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. Are they based on truth or assumptions? Unfortunately, these traditions are often what separates us as the body of Christ. We allow traditions to divide us rather than uniting us in the Son.

The truth we need to know is that we are saved through God’s grace. We are saved when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We are saved when we accept Him into our hearts, and we allow Him to change our lives.

Far too many people are fooled into thinking this is a one-time event. They think they can say some magical words once and go about living their lives however they want. That is not what we see in Scripture. We see that our heart must be changed, which causes a change in how we live our lives. Our brokenness starts getting healed. Our actions change to look more like Jesus. Over time we start looking more and more like Jesus. That is how we know we are saved.

Don’t be fooled into thinking you only need to say you accept Jesus. Come to the truth. Realize you need to accept Him into your heart each and every day. God’s grace will cover all your faults, but only when your heart fully believes in Him.

I pray we all accept Jesus in our hearts. I pray we allow Him to take up residence in our hearts. I pray each of us will accept Jesus into our hearts every day. Know the truth. Accept Jesus into your heart. Allow Him to change you. Profess your faith. Be saved by God’s grace.

Romans 10:9-10 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Published by martypressey

Marty is a Pastor, retired Marine and dedicated Christian who has taught adult Bible classes and preached for 20 years. He currently serves as pastor of 3 United Methodist Churches. He believes being well-grounded in the Scriptures is key to living a better life. He brings a layman’s viewpoint to all his classes and sermons, helping others understand how to apply Scripture to their daily lives. When he sees others understand the message of a particular passage, it brings him great joy. He has seen his faith increase exponentially over the years; fully believing God has a plan and is executing it. He feels blessed to be part of that plan.

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