Victory in Jesus

Are you the curious type? Do you like to know who, what, when, why, and how? Do you ask questions until you get to the bottom of it? Do you search until you get answers? Do you wonder where some traditions originated? Do you wonder that about the church? By nature, most of us areContinue reading “Victory in Jesus”

Customs and Traditions

Do you adhere to cultural customs? Do you like traditions? Do you prefer to buck the norms? How many cultural norms do you regularly disregard? Have you disregarded a cultural custom that has resulted in a bad outcome for you? Each culture has its customs and traditions. Some of them are written but most areContinue reading “Customs and Traditions”

Tradition of Baptism

How do you view traditions? Are traditions a driving force behind your choice of church? Do you understand the reason for each tradition? Or are you someone who take or leave traditions? We have traditions for all types of things. We have pregame traditions. We have traditions for our holidays. Some of us have vacationContinue reading “Tradition of Baptism”

Securely Saved

Do you know what you need to do to be saved? Are you sure you know? Have you been fooled by false teachings? Have you been led into a false sense of security? Do you want to be secure in your Savior? We see many different names on the signs in front of churches, oftenContinue reading “Securely Saved”