Go As Jesus Commanded

How well do you follow commands? Have you been in a profession in which instant obedience is required? How well do you think you would adapt to such a profession? Are you following Jesus’ commands? Jesus did not give many commands. He said we are to love God, love our neighbor, follow Him, and makeContinue reading “Go As Jesus Commanded”

Partner with Jesus

Does what others receive bother you? If they are recognized for an achievement, do you dislike them? If they receive a special gift, are you jealous? Do you continually compare yourself to others? How do you think that impacts your life in Jesus? We see it nearly every day. Someone receives a gift and someoneContinue reading “Partner with Jesus”

Believe the Witnesses

Are you willing to believe an eyewitness account? Do you prefer to have someone who saw the event relay to you their firsthand account of it? What if the event seems to be unbelievable? What if the person is trustworthy? Will you believe them? Do you believe the story of Jesus? We like to hearContinue reading “Believe the Witnesses”

Pick Up Your Cross

We don’t like the idea of suffering. In fact, many of us will go to extensive lengths not to suffer. We go along with incorrect viewpoints, so we are not ostracized by our friends. Even if we disagree, we stay silent. We may even commit petty crimes to be accepted by others. Why do weContinue reading “Pick Up Your Cross”

Bow to Truth

Do you like to hear the truth? At what point will you bow down to God? When will you relinquish your desire to be in control? Will only happen when you have grown old and are nearing the end of your days? Will it be when you have experienced a disastrous event? Truth can beContinue reading “Bow to Truth”

Heaven Rejoices

Many of us have been baptized, but how many of us remember our baptism? Depending on your religious background, we may have been baptized as infants, young children, young adults, or even as an older adult. So, remembering it may be near impossible. For those who were baptized as infants, they may have gone throughContinue reading “Heaven Rejoices”

The Earth Summoned

Do you wish, at times, there was someone who could call the everyone to account? Do you get tired of all the bickering, complaining, finger pointing, and lack of accountability? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone with the authority to bring everyone together and knock them down a notch? Holding people accountable can beContinue reading “The Earth Summoned”

Amazing Vision

Are there historical figures you would like to see? Are they great leaders? Are they wonderful poets and writers? Are they trailblazers who reach new heights? Would you love to see heroes of the faith? Can you imagine speaking with them? What would you say? Think about meeting George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. Imagine aContinue reading “Amazing Vision”

The Kingdom is Near

Are you looking for something to come to fruition? Have you been working hard on a project and anticipating your hard work to pay off? Are you implementing a new plan you believe will produce the windfall you desire? Do you have all the steps and details defined? If you have ever developed a projectContinue reading “The Kingdom is Near”

Holy Spirit Given

Are there things you don’t understand? Do they seem to be beyond your understanding? Is the Holy Spirit someone you aren’t quite sure how he works? Do you feel his presence at time and not at others? Have you ever felt his presence in your life? There are many things in our lives that canContinue reading “Holy Spirit Given”