Needs Provided For

Have you ever felt as though something was missing? Have you felt like you were lacking something, something important? Have you persevered through the trial to gain what you were lacking? Did you ask God to provide what you were lacking? We may feel as though we are lacking. But many times, that feeling isContinue reading “Needs Provided For”

Crown of Life

Are you going through a trial? Are you experiencing difficult times? How are you facing challenges? What or who is helping you get through the trials of life? Do you have someone who will walk through difficult times with you? We face challenges at different times during our lives. They may come in the formContinue reading “Crown of Life”

Light of Love

How well do you love? Have you thought about how you project your love? Would others know you love them if you could never speak again? What would the answers be if they were put to the test using a lie detector machine? It has been said there are three versions of ourselves. The personContinue reading “Light of Love”

Joy in Trials

Have you ever considered it to be a joy to face trials? Have you thought about the good that can come from facing challenges? Can you see the good God is working in your life as you persevere through trials and challenges? We may not mind facing challenges. In fact, many of us will purposelyContinue reading “Joy in Trials”

Be Merciful

Is there someone in your life you want reach in a very special way? Would you like to bring a family member or close friend to Jesus? Are you unsure how you can go about it? Do you need some advice? Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior know theContinue reading “Be Merciful”

Stolen Word

What happens when something of value has been taken from you? Do you get upset? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get it back? What if it was the most valuable thing you can imagine? What if it is the Word of God? Sometimes things are taken from us. Sometimes things areContinue reading “Stolen Word”

Miraculous Release

Have you ever felt doomed? Have you felt as though you were about to be sentenced to a punishment you didn’t deserve? Are you in a situation like that now? Are you asking God to step in and pull you through it? There are times when we may be persecuted for our faith. That mayContinue reading “Miraculous Release”

What Love Is

Have you ever been asked to define love? Have you ever tried to define love? What are some key ingredients to love in your mind? Love isn’t an easy thing to define, is it? It isn’t unless you use the Bible’s definition. Humans have been attempting to define love since the beginning of time. Well,Continue reading “What Love Is”

Blessed Persecution

How well do you take it when someone insults you? How do you react when you are falsely accused? Have you been persecuted for your faith? Have you considered being insulted and falsely accused as persecution? I dare say most of us do not want to be insulted or falsely accused. Being insulted stings. ItContinue reading “Blessed Persecution”

Hope Through Character, Perseverance, and Suffering

Are you suffering? Are you persevering? Do you understand what real suffering is? Or do you consider having niceties taken away is suffering? Do you understand what it means to persevere? Do you have hope? Notice how today’s Scripture builds on itself like a set of stairs. We may look at it and discard itContinue reading “Hope Through Character, Perseverance, and Suffering”